Mandalas cleverly created by YOU! Layer and color in endless combinations to create stunning manis! This gorgeous plate created in collaboration with the lovely Manisha... her bio...
-Manisha's Bio-
I love nail art. I'm not a professional nail artist, just self taught. I like all things creative and find doing nail art designs a great tool for expressing this. And hey you get to carry your masterpiece around with to you to admire at anytime! Born in the UK I moved to New Zealand at the age of 21 back in 1994. I love living here and now have a Husband, Twin Daughters and a Dog. I frequently go back to the UK to see my family too.
I first got into nail art just under 2 years ago. Watching other people's amazing creations on Pinterest and YouTube and wanting to do my own too. I also wanted to share my ideas with others as my mind is constantly full of them and I took the plunge in Feb 2016 and started my own YouTube channel. Looking back at those first few videos I feel like I have come a long way. Instagram came next and I opened up on Instagram account in July 2016 - finally catching up with the rest of the world! I've made many friends along the way and enjoyed the experience of sharing with other like minded people who also have a passion for polish.
I use lots of different techniques to complete my looks and don't stick to one theme. I like switching it up for each mani. I like nail stamping the most but I also do decals, reverse/advanced stamping, lead-lighting, foils, water decal and double stamping. Designs with an Asian theme are my favourite even though I haven't done many myself I've admired other people's creations. I range my designs from Mandalas, to Floral, to Geometric, to Aztec, to Asian and everything in between! Manisha M.
